Term: 2003 to 2004
Photo by Jeannette Michelson
Past President Peg Appelget, radiates with first-hand stories and knowledge of Long Beach Island as she recalls sentimentally the barefoot days of her youth on LBI. Born and raised in Haddonfield, New Jersey, Peg summered on Long Beach Island with her family ever since she was one year old.
Peg attended West Virginia Wesleyan College. After graduating, she worked as a home economist for the Jersey Central Power and Light Company where she met her husband Bill. Married in 1972, Bill and Peg are the parents of a son and daughter. While raising her family, Peg taught preschool and continued to do so until she moved to LBI 25 years ago full-time. When Bill and Peg became year around residences, they moved into the house that Peg‘s father had built in the Dunes section of the island back in 1940 . With grandchild added to the mix, this family continued to enjoy sailing and the benefits of LBI life.
When Peggy became a full-time resident, she devoted much of her spare time to the things she was most passionate about – environment and nature. Peg shared that when she was a little girl, she was also interested in butterflies, birds, and especially enjoyed picking flowers and displaying them. So it is no surprise that Peg met Edwina, a garden club member of the time, that Peg was hooked into joining the club.
Always being a doer, Peg immersed herself into many activities of our club. Peg held positions right down the line for the House Tour. She was also the chair of the entire House Tour in addition to chairing the decorating committee and sharing individual houses for the tour. She especially remembers sharing the second oldest house in Beach Haven one year. Peg was prepared for being President after fulfilling Vice President duties first while she also attended district meetings on behalf of the club.
Peg shared a little of what the club was like at that time. She explained that our September program was traditionally the formal and informal changing of vegetables and gardens. There were also demonstrations given by designers even then who were sort to share their expertise before the House Tour for members. Peg also led our club into more community participation by showing support of the sprinkler system installed in Bicentennial Park in Beach Haven and participating in landscaping activities at Tuckerton Seaport.
Besides her involvement in the club, Peg is a community activist who puts her energies into improving the quality of life for those on our island and beyond. Peg walks the beach daily picking up trash from our beach. She also spearheads a program through her church and SOCH Auxiliary to provide handmade puppets for children and accessory bags for those using walkers who go through the hospital. Peg’s sewing skills also allowed her to move at various shops on the island tailoring clothing and items for the home.
With all this Past President has accomplished, it is easy to see that Peg lives by her philosophy: “My heart is on this island.”