Annual Luncheon June 2024
2024 Chairs: Bev Reitinger & Dianne Pleyn
Cover art by Chris Vohden/ Graphic Design by Tracey Cameron
Submitted by Andrea Apruzzese
The Annual Spring Luncheon of The Garden Club of Long Beach Island took place at the Waterfront Restaurant in Forked River on Thursday, June 6, 2024, with 110 members in attendance. Appetizers were offered outside on a beautiful patio overlooking the Forked River Inlet.
This annual event was chaired by Dianne Pleyn and Beverly Reitinger. The tables were adorned with lovely centerpieces created by Karen Martinez and Dianne Pleyn with assistance from Olga Perlman. Graphic design and cover art for the program were the contributions of Tracey Cameron and Chris Vohden, respectively. JoAnn McKee provided adorable packets of Bee Friendly Wildflower Seeds for everyone. The entertainment was by the incomparable John Newman of Bouquets to Remember in Manasquan. It was difficult to decide which was more fabulous, his designs or his amazing singing voice!
After the Pledge of Allegiance and the Thought of the Day offered by Dorian Madreperla, President Lois Perry gave a very heartwarming speech honoring the contributions of all members as well as the Executive Board and Committee chairs. She additionally delivered a beautiful dedication in honor of those members who have passed away this year. Proceedings continued with the recognition of Ellie Ehnot as this year’s Silver Gardener, the presentation of a special commemorative pen and an ink drawing of the Edith Duff Gwinn Garden to Betty Frey, Honorary Membership to Mary Wilding, and the President’s Cup to Diane Macrides.
Peg Morrissey, District VIII Director of the Garden Club of New Jersey, was on hand to recognize Julie Eller and Cindy McGrath for their outstanding work on the 2023 Standard Flower Show. Peg then conducted the Installation of Oficers for 2024-2025: Assistant Treasurer Eileen Szperka, Recording Secretary Michele Farias, 2nd Vice President Janice Stonaker, 1st Vice President Andrea Apruzzese and President Lois Perry.
A very poignant Grace was offered by Kathy Mignanelli.
Patio Conversations
Photos by Joyce Lubach & Lisa Tyson (click on images to enlarge)
Let the Program Begin!
Awards & Presentation

2024-2025 Installation of New Officers (l to r) Michele Farias, Corresponding Secretary; Janice Stonaker, 2nd Vice President; Andrea Apruzzese, 1st Vice President; Eileen Szperka, Assistant Treasurer with President Lois Perry (center)

Peg Morrissey, District VIII, Director of Garden Club of NJ (far right) presented "The Schedule" award to Julie Eller. (l to r) Lois Perry, President, GCLBI; Julie Eller, Cindy McGrath & Peg Morrissey, District VIII, Director of the Garden Club of NJ