New Members Luncheon April 2024
Photos by Diane Macrides & Debra Resch (click on images to enlarge)

Join us for our 4th Annual Outdoor Living Garden Tour & Art Show! Green Elephant Sale & more! Many thanks to member Cathy Sutton, for bringing our not-so-green elephant costume to life!

New members! Top row: (l to r) Janet Nelson, Kate Howe, Dianne Thompson, Jacqi Corliss, Wendy Karopoulos, Genevieve Cunningham, Patricia Day, Barbara Cona, Kim McCavera, Debbie Borchert, Sonia Hughes. Middle row: (l to r) Donna Erhard, Eileen Szperka, Gail McGrattan, Peggy Weirich, Denise Wilcox, Joan Barbarula, Elle Wilson & Jay Caravella. Sitting: (l to r) Christine Medvetz & Lin Volpe (Missing from photo Jennifer Ennis, Susan Gobbo, Patty Maffrey & Deb Resch)
Submitted by Diane Macrides
The New Members Luncheon, hosted at Calloway’s Restaurant, took place on Thursday, April 18, 2024. During the event, President Lois Perry extended a warm welcome on behalf of all the members of The Garden Club of LBI to the new members joining the club. “You have joined a club of people who are engaged in bettering a community through acts of kindness and awareness. We make a difference and live a relevant life. We welcome you to be a part of that. You will not be disappointed.”
The traditional event provided new members valuable insights on the organization’s projects and activities and helping them select committees aligning with their interests. Additionally, they met officers, board members and other new members, while enjoying a delightful luncheon menu including fried crab cake sandwiches, turkey clubs, cheeseburgers, chicken Caesar salads and delicious desserts.
The luncheon was skillfully organized by Eileen Szperka, the 2nd Vice President in charge of Membership, ensuring its success. Judie Alloway created beautiful centerpieces made of Gerbera Daisies. Pollinator seeds packets were alongside an antique cast iron bird feeder to promote pollination and attract birds.
A warm welcome to our new members from The Garden Club of Long Beach Island!