Art in Bloom – Art Interpreted in Flowers May 2023
Photos by Jeannette Michelson (click on images to enlarge)
Carol Freas , chair of Art in Bloom 2023 with her beautiful, three-dimensional "Welcome" poster.
Carol Freas's Art in Bloom poster.
Wave to the photographer! (l to r) Carol Freas, Chris Vohden, Rachael Teutal and Rachel Halford.
The Garden Club of Long Beach Island’s ‘”Art in Bloom” was held on Thursday May 18th at the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences in Loveladies NJ. Admission was free and open to the public with over 200 people attending the afternoon event. Eighteen Garden Club members created flower arrangements inspired by art seen in the Long Beach Island Foundation’s juried show “Works on Paper.”
The concept or arranging flowers to interpret art began at the Boston Museum in the late 19th century. The Garden Club of LBI has created and presented this event since 2003. There are no design rules . The flowers, containers, greenery and props were personal choices of the Garden Club participants. No artificial flowers are ever used.
"Surface of Brresniitz 5" by Philippe Halaburda
Designer: Rachael Teutal
"A Wave from the Jersey Shore" by Brunella Planenshek
Designer: Marilyn Upton
"Life" by McKenzie Eldridge
Designer: Carol Freas
"Walking Over Snowy Landscape" by Arran Harvey
Designer: Julie Eller
"Crystal (Stars)" by Gail Postal
Designer: Rachel Halford
"Utah" by Jennifer Forrest
Designer: Chris Vohden
"Lewes Lighthouse" by Mary Place
Designer: Madeline Foley
"And how is that suspended?"
"Sprague Farm" by Kate Follet
Designer: Leslie Karvan
""Legacy Foretold ,Legacies Withheld" by Brian Lathan (far right print)
Designer: Lois Perry
"Gaze ll " by Vessilina Traptcheva
Designer: Michele Farias
"AB Curled Paper Mandala" by Carol Nussbaum
Designer: Andrea Apruzzese
"Untitled" by Jaya Duvvuri Designer: Lois Mullen
"Barnegat Light" by Zoe Hansen
Designer: Betty Frey
"Tension" by Isabel Haces Guiterrez
Designer: Nancy Kunz
"Environment ll" by Mille Guldbeck
Designer: Irene Bausmith
"Swing" by Michale Connors (center print)
Designer: Cathy Sutton
"Sea Slide" by Ron Garafal
Designer: Debra Cowles
"Queen Anne's Bouquet" by Eileen McGlynn
Designer: Cindy McGrath
Hospitality (l tor) Peg Appelget, Maria Dinella and Judy Lipman
Leslie Karvan and friend.
This year’s Art in Bloom also included a project from another Garden Club committee. The Youth Committee consisting of students in grades 3-6, met for a final time this school season a day before Art in Bloom. With a nod to the nexts day’s event the students created a spring time floral design and then painted a watercolor of their work. “Bloom in Art”project photos of the children, with their floral arrangement and watercolor, were on display the next day at Art in Bloom.
"Bloom in Art" Youth Garden Club designers and artists.
The Youth Garden Club's contribution to Art in Bloom.
"Bloom in Art" Youth Garden Club designer and artist.
Graphic Design by Tracey Cameron