Standard Flower Show Chairs 2021-2022: Julie Eller and Cindy McGrath
Standard Flower Show May 5, 2022
Photos: Jeannette Michelson

Oh, What a Day!
On May 5th, for the first time in many years, our club hosted a flower show which was opened not only to our members but to the public. Thanks to efforts by many of our members, our Garden Club shined!
Many visitors were walking around marveling at our talents in Design, Horticulture, and Education. Also, this was the first time Education became part of our show’s exhibits centering on, plant propagation, terrapins, beach sweep, and the lanternfly. Everyone loved the small designs and plants in mugs and teacups; so much so, they seemed to be sold quickly. You could see how delighted everyone was who purchased them.
This was a big undertaking, with so many moving parts; but it all came together so well that our show was awarded a score of 95, making us eligible to apply for the National Garden Club’s Achievement Award for Flower Shows. There is some work to be done compiling what is called a “Book of Evidence” which is sent to the NGC highlighting our show’s work and achievements. The NGC will in in turn determine if we win the award.
In closing, we appreciate any help given to us to make it this far.
Julie Eller & Cindy McGrath
Standard Flower Show Chairs
(click on images to enlarge)
Click here to go to Design Class 1 “Under the Sea”